The Alaska Mission for Christ logo is the exclusive property of Alaska Mission for Christ and may not be used without the Alaska Mission for Christ’s express consent. The license granted by Alaska Mission for Christ to use the logo is nonexclusive and is revocable at AMC’s sole discretion. No aspect of the logo will be subject to edit. The logo may not be used by websites other than those who have been granted specific permission. Private businesses may not use the logo; nor may individuals use the logo for business or personal use. Rare exceptions may be made only after consultation with, and securing permission from, the Executive Director, who will grant or not grant these exceptions on a case-by-case basis. If your group wishes to sell logo-related items (coffee mugs, T-shirts, etc.) at cost or for a fund-raiser, or if you wish to use such items to identify members (car decals, bumper stickers, lapel pins, etc.), you may seek permission to do so from the Executive Director. In order to preserve the reputation, integrity, and unified message that the logo represents, you agree that you will use the logo only so long as your organization's services are provided (1) in accordance with reasonable standards furnished or approved by AMC from time to time, and (2) in compliance with all applicable laws and governmental regulations. Without limiting the generality of the above, if AMC requests, you agree to submit to AMC for review representative samples of advertisements, promotional literature and materials, artwork, press releases, public-relations material, brochures, Web pages, and other materials on which you use or intend to use the logo.
Complete the form below to request access to the AMC logo files.