Impact Report 2024:

Dear coworkers in the Gospel,

Warm greetings to you in our Lord Jesus!

Thank you for being a part of Alaska Mission for Christ and partnering to share the Good News in our 49th state. From all over the US, mission partnerships through individuals, congregations, schools, universities, and service organizations, the Body of Christ bands together to make His name known. What an immense joy!

As I reflect on the 2024 ministry year, I do so through the lens of our theme "Walk in Love", based on 1 Peter 4:8: "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." Despite having our most challenging year in quite a while, I can see God working. Life is messy, people make mistakes, and hurt causes deep grief, but when we walk together in the love of Christ, our burdens are easier to bear. When we love one another as Jesus loves us, miraculous things happen, and His kingdom is brought forth. Brokenness is healed, hearts are mended, and Christ is made known when we "Walk in Love."

Our current staff has taken this scripture and theme to heart. By filling vacancies and committing to the mission, they have gone above and beyond to ensure the busy summer season was successful. Ministry evaluations from volunteers and Alaska partner organizations have been overwhelmingly positive, underscoring the fruitfulness of our combined efforts to bring Christ to Alaskans. We take feedback seriously, have reviewed some internal processes, and are working with a consultant to streamline the experience of our servant event teams. Our Board of Directors annual face-to-face meeting will be held October 11-12 for a time of fellowship and mission direction. Please pray that our staff and Board continue walking faithfully with the Lord.

As we conclude this ministry year, we do so with a renewed focus and ultimate trust in the Lord's provision. We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support and commitment to His mission in Alaska. No matter how you serve, whether as a prayer warrior, generous donor, passionate volunteer, or catalyst congregation, YOU ensure that Alaskans experience the love of Jesus. Thank you for walking in His great love with us.

He is great!